Settings ======== The following settings are available for configuration through your project. All available settings can find in ``lbworkflow.settings`` List of available settings -------------------------- LBWF_APPS ~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``{}`` Specifies the APP of process. >>> {'leave': 'lbworkflow.tests.leave'}. ``leave`` is the wf_code of the process. ``lbworkflow.tests.leave`` is the app of the process. LBWF_USER_PARSER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``lbworkflow.core.userparser.SimpleUserParser`` ``django-lb-workflow`` use a text field to config users for ``Node`` and user a parser to cover it to Django model. You can replace it with your implement. The parse must a subclass of ``lbworkflow.core.userparser.BaseUserParser`` LBWF_EVAL_FUNCS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``{}`` A list of functions that can used in ``Transition.condition``. >>> {'get_dept': 'hr.models.get_dept'}. ``get_detp`` can used in ``Transition.condition``. LBWF_WF_SEND_MSG_FUNCS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``['lbworkflow.core.sendmsg.wf_print', ]`` A list of functions that used to send message when process node changed. The function must define as ``def wf_print(users, msg_type, event=None, ext_ctx=None)`` users: A list of user need send message to. msg_type: The type of message. Can be ``notify/transfered/new_task``. LBWF_GET_USER_DISPLAY_NAME_FUNC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``lambda user: "%s" % user`` A function used to get the display name of a user.